I have a blog page that you might find interesting. I focus on questions that clients have asked me, and seem to be common issues or questions. It's called Therapy Unwrapped
If you find it useful, please leave a comment for me!
Mental Health Links
The following links are listed to provide you with additional online mental health care information and counseling resources.
Local Resources for Minnesota
United Way 211 Information & Referral 800-543-7709
Minnesota Chapter of NAMI 651-645-2948
Minnesota Disability Law Center 800-292-4150
Hennepin County 24-hour Crisis Line, Adults: 612-596-1223
Hennepin County 24-hour Crisis Line, Children: 612-348-2233
Anoka County 24-hour Crisis Line 763-755-3801
Ramsey County 24-Hour Crisis Line, Adults: 651-266-7900
Ramsey County 24-hour Crisis Line, Children: 651-774-7000
National Crisis Text Hotline: Text "SUPPORT" to 741741
Mental Health Association of Minnesota provides two excellent forms as a self-help tool. If you experience severe symtoms associated with a mental health illness, use these worksheets to provide others with helpful information should you need extra support.